Why We Got Our Breast Implants Out

Breast Implant Illness, or BII, is one of the hottest topics in plastic surgery today. The FDA has finally issued a black box warning on breast implants. And now, many women have undergone breast implant removal due to their bodies’ response to them. Ali and her best friend & bridesmaid Jilly Reville are included in those women. Together they tell their story (Jilly for the first time publicly) of what they experienced when they got sick, why they had them removed, and what to be aware of if you are considering breast implants.
Guest: Jillian Reville

Jillian is an IFBB Women’s Physique Pro. She competed from 2007 to 2017.  Once she stepped off stage for the final time to concentrate on new adventures, her health started to plummet to ultra lows. As time passed she discovered the cause was her body’s response to new implants.

Jillian is a colon therapist, and has been practicing for over 6 years. She’s currently located in Larchmont, NY. For appointments text 203.524.2888.

Host: Ali Gilbert

Learn more about Ali and her services by visiting her website, or following her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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